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Keeping this in consideration, what does sugar do to foods?
Although the main reason for the use of sugar isits sweet taste, sugar has many other functions infood technology. The most important among these are thatadded sugar in foods acts as a sweetener,preservative, texture modifier, fermentation substrate, flavouringand colouring agent, bulking agent.
Additionally, is sugar in everything we eat? Certain foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and dairyproducts, contain naturally occurring sugars. Unlike addedsugar, these usually aren’t a health concern. This isbecause naturally occurring sugars are generally difficultto eat in large amounts. Instead, they list all ofthe sugars as a single amount.
Also to know, why is sugar important in food preparation?
As a bulking agent – sugar contributes tothe texture of food, such as in meringue and biscuits. Thisis an important role of sugar in most bakingapplications. As a preservative – sugar helps toprevent or slow the growth of bacteria, moulds and yeast in jamsand other preserves.
Does sugar help preserve food?
Sugar helps preserve the color, texture andflavor of the food. The sugar in jams and jellieshelps the gel to form, and increases the flavor. When largeamounts of sugar are used in a recipe, the sugar alsoacts as a preservative by inhibiting microbial activity; thus,recipes should not be modified or adapted.