Why do my toenails curl?

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Although nails will typically curl under if they grow long, a toenail that grows upward isn’t uncommon. This is called a vertical nail. Toenails may curl upward for a number of reasons: Your shoes could be pushing at the tips of your toenails.

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Then, what causes toenails to thicken and curl?

Although there are many potential causes of thick nails, in the toenails a fungal infection is the most common cause. Other diseases, such as psoriasis or diabetes, may also cause thick nails to develop. The exact cause of thick nails will help decide the treatment a person has to correct the condition.

Also, what causes pincer nails? Pincer nails are nails that have become deformed with an increased, transverse over-curvature, with causes ranging from fungal disease or psoriasis, medications such as beta-blockers, or tumors or cysts. Most commonly, however, particularly in toenails, the causes are biomechanical or arthritic changes.

Subsequently, question is, how do you treat curved toenails?

About CurveCorrect Ingrown Toenail Home Treatment The obvious solution is to correct the curve of the toenail, a different approach not achieved using any other ingrown toenail treatment, not even surgery. CurveCorrect straightens curved toenails, lifting each side and reducing its pressure against the skin.

What causes toe nails to curl?

Onychogryphosis is a thickening of the nails due to injury or infection. It mostly affects the toes — specifically the big toes. This condition is also known as ram’s horn nail and claw nail because it causes the nails to curve and resemble the shape of a ram’s horn or claw.

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