People also ask, how do you plant cosmos seedlings?
- Just sow seeds lightly—about ¼-inch deep and 12–18 inches apart after the danger of frost has passed.
- Cosmos don’t need any special soil preparation.
- Cosmos flowers can tolerate warm, dry weather.
- Depending on the type of flower, cosmos can grow anywhere between 18 to 60 inches tall.
Furthermore, are Cosmos easy to grow from seed? Although nursery seedlings are available, cosmos are so easy to grow from seeds that it makes little sense no overspend by buying nursery plants. You can start seeds indoors, four to six weeks before the last frost, but cosmos sown outdoors directly in the garden will quickly catch up.
Keeping this in view, should I pinch out Cosmos seedlings?
As you plant the Cosmos plants into the garden it is advisable to pinch out the growing tip of each stem. Pinching out involves squeezing the growing tip off between your finger and thumb. This reduces the plant size and will encourage the plant to grow side shoots giving bushy growth.
Why are my cosmos seedlings leggy?
At the most basic level, leggy seedlings are caused by a lack of light. It could be that the window you are growing your seedlings in does not provide enough light or it could be that the lights you are using as grow lights aren’t close enough to the seedling. Either way, the seedlings will get leggy.