What is the prior authorization process?

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Prior authorization—sometimes called precertification or prior approval—is a health plan cost-control process by which physicians and other health care providers must obtain advance approval from a health plan before a specific service is delivered to the patient to qualify for payment coverage.


Also question is, how long does it take for a prior authorization to be approved?

Prior authorization can take days to process. Within a week, you can call your pharmacy to see if the prior authorization request was approved. If it wasn’t, you can call your insurance company to see why the authorization was delayed or denied..

what is the process of preauthorization precertification? 2) The term “precertification” may also be used to the process by which a hospital notifies a health insurance company of a patient’s inpatient admission. This may also be referred to as “pre-admission authorization.” Insurance companies reserve the right to change the terms of a policy after properly notifying you.

Keeping this in view, how does the prior authorization process work?

The prior authorization process gives your health insurance company a chance to review how necessary a certain medication may be in treating your medical condition. During their review the insurance company may decide a generic or another lower cost alternative may work equally well in treating your medical condition.

Who obtains prior authorization?

A prior authorization (PA), sometimes referred to as a “preauthorization,” is a requirement from your health insurance company that your doctor obtain approval from your plan before it will cover the costs of a specific medicine, medical device or procedure.

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