What is the capital and abbreviation of Colorado?

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50 States and Capitals & Abbreviations
Arkansas Little Rock
California Sacramento
Colorado Denver
Connecticut Hartford


Regarding this, what is the capital and abbreviation of Connecticut?

ConnecticutConn. Delaware – Del. District of Columbia – D.C.

Similarly, what is the abbreviation for capital? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: CAPICAPICCAPIE – CAPILLARY – CAPIO – CAPITOL – CAPLCAPLA – CAPLAR – CAPLC.

Correspondingly, what is the capital and abbreviation of Illinois?

US States – Abbreviations, Capitals & Nicknames

State Abbrv. Capital
Iowa IA Des Moines
Kansas KS Topeka
Kentucky KY Frankfort
Louisiana LA Baton Rouge

What is the abbreviation for the 50 states?

State Abbreviations

US State: Abbreviation:
Alabama AL
Alaska AK
Arizona AZ
Arkansas AR

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