What is quasi static force?

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Quasistatic load means the load is applied so slowly that the structure deforms also very slowly (very low strain rate) and therefore the inertia force is very small and can be ignored.

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In this manner, what is the meaning of quasi static?

In thermodynamics, a quasistatic process is a thermodynamic process that happens slowly enough for the system to remain in internal equilibrium. Any reversible process is a quasistatic one. However, quasistatic processes involving entropy production are not reversible.

Beside above, what are the characteristics of quasi static process? Quasi means almost and static means the thermodynamic properties static with time. Quasi static process is also a reversible process. Infinite slowness is characteristic feature of quasi static process . If the gradient is present in system properties then the process can not be quasi static for a finite time .

Thereof, why quasi static process is important?

In thermodynamics, we shall be analyzing different processes, which are assumed to have taken place quasistatically or in quasiequilibrium. This is important because as we shall see little later, that quasistatic processes can also be classified as reversible processes and so on.

What is the major difference between a quasi static and reversible process?

A quasi static process is a process carried out very very slowly, in an attempt to reach as close as possible to a reversible process. represents the entropy transferred into or out of the system. This could be 0, positive or negative as the case maybe.

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