What is ish in English?

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ish. 1. a suffix used to form adjectives from nouns, with the sense of “belonging to” (British; Danish; English; Spanish); “after the manner of,” “having the characteristics of,” “like” (babyish; girlish; mulish); “addicted to,” “inclined or tending to” (bookish; freakish); “near or about” (fiftyish; sevenish).


Just so, what is Ish slang for?

The Meaning of ISH ISH means “Shit” or “Suffix indicating vagueness” So now you know – ISH means “Shit” or “Suffix indicating vagueness” – don’t thank us. YW! What does ISH mean? ISH is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the ISH definition is given.

One may also ask, what does adding ish mean? More. 3) A suffix used to guesstimate a number or time. When referring to time “-ishmeans within plus or minus 15 minutes. When referring to a number “-ishmeans within 5. For eg.

Subsequently, one may also ask, why do people use ish?

ish and -y. We can add the suffixes –ish and -y to words in informal contexts to make the reference sound deliberately vague and approximate. We commonly use the suffix –ish when we refer to numbers, times and quantities: Ok, I’ll come and collect you from your house at sevenish.

How do you use ish in a sentence?

ish Sentence Examples. To Ish‘s initial disbelief, the ‘ world has ended ‘ in his absence. 1 Miles]] Bul arian divisions 1 Turkish /11 ish ? Baudissin (Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopddie) prefers to derive it from ish, to drive, set in motion; whence ish-min, driving, impetuous.

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