What is galvanometer measure?

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A galvanometer is a type of ammeter. It is aninstrument for detecting and measuring electric current. Itis an analog electromechanical transducer that produces a rotarydeflection, through a limited arc, in response to electric currentflowing through its coil.


Regarding this, what is a galvanometer why it is used?

A galvanometer works as an actuator, by producinga rotary deflection (of a “pointer”), in response to electriccurrent flowing through a coil in a constant magnetic field. Theywere the first instruments used to detect and measure smallamounts of electric currents.

Additionally, what is galvanometer and its types? TYPES OF GALVANOMETER There are various types of galvanometer.They are- Tangent Galvanometer: it works by using a compassneedle to compare the magnetic field generated by an unknowncurrent to the magnetic field of the Earth. It was usedearlier.

In this manner, what is difference between ammeter and galvanometer?

The most significant difference between thegalvanometer and ammeter is that thegalvanometer show both the direction and the magnitude ofthe current, whereas the ammeter only shows the magnitude ofthe current. And if the resistance is connected in series with agalvanometer, then it is used as a voltmeter.

Where is a galvanometer used?

The most common use of galvanometers was asanalog measuring instruments, called ammeters, used tomeasure the direct current (flow of electric charge) through anelectric circuit.

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