What is an Anubis sinkhole?

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A sinkhole is where a defender has successfully taken contol of the the malicious domain name, and redirected it to a benign server that gathers information about the infected system. The Anubis Networks Sinkhole is one such server.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] In this way, what is a botnet sinkhole?

A botnet sinkhole is a target machine used by researchers to gather information about a particular botnet. Sinkholing is the redirection of traffic from its original destination to one specified by the sinkhole owners. The altered destination is known as the sinkhole. Sinkholes can be used for good or ill intent.

Secondly, what is a sinkhole server? A DNS sinkhole, also known as a sinkhole server, Internet sinkhole, or Blackhole DNS is a DNS server that gives out a false result for a domain name.

Also question is, how does DNS sinkhole work?

A DNS sinkhole works by Qspoofings the authoritative DNS servers for malicious and unwanted hosts and domains. An administrator configures the DNS forwarder for outbound Internet traffic to return false IP addresses for these known hosts and domains.

What is sinkhole in Palo Alto?

The DNS sinkhole enables the Palo Alto Networks device to forge a response to a DNS query for a known malicious domain/URL and causes the malicious domain name to resolve to a definable IP address (fake IP) that is given to the client.

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