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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Beside this, what does the jet stream do?
Jet streams are like rivers of wind high above inthe atmosphere. These slim strips of strong winds have a hugeinfluence on climate, as they can push air masses around and affectweather patterns.
Likewise, what causes the jet stream? A jet stream forms high in the upper tropospherebetween two air masses of very different temperature. The greaterthe temperature difference between the air masses, the faster thewind blows in the jet stream. Since it is horizontal airpressure differences that cause wind, this leads to verystrong winds.
Secondly, what does the jet stream look like?
The strong air currents, which tend to look likewavy, striated rivers when seen on a jet stream map, formwhen cold air and hot air meet.
What’s happening with the jet stream?
The jet stream flows high overhead and causeschanges in the wind and pressure at that level. This affects thingsnearer the surface, such as areas of high and low pressure, andtherefore helps shape the weather we see. Sometimes, like in afast-moving river, the jet stream’s movement is verystraight and smooth.