One type of CC means Creative Commons. Whichmeans the creator grants you the permission to use thisparticular video for commercial use as well. Those videos aremarked CC by License. However, what you’re talking aboutis the CC tab on some videos. That means ‘ClosedCaptions’.
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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Then, where is CC on YouTube?
Here’s how you can review automatic captions and makechanges, if needed:
- Go to your Video Manager by clicking your account in the topright > Creator Studio > Video Manager > Videos.
- Next to the video you want to add captions or subtitles to,click the drop-down menu next to the Edit button.
- Select Subtitles and CC.
Also, what does CC mean for movies? Closed captioning
In this regard, what does CC stand for?
Carbon Copy
What does CC mean on TV shows?
closed captioning