Is September 8 a cusp?

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September 8 zodiac people are on the Leo-Virgo Astrological Cusp. This is the Cusp of Exposure.

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Regarding this, what Zodiac is September 8?


Likewise, what sign is compatible with Leo Virgo cusp? leo virgo cusp compatibility Like all cusp people the Leo/Virgo is attracted to other cusp people with Pisces/Aries(March 19-24) and Taurus/Gemini(May 19-24) being most attractive.

Subsequently, question is, is September 8th a Virgo?

If you are born on September 8th, your zodiac sign is Virgo. As a Virgo person born on the 8th of September, you are a perfectionist. You have high ideals regarding how people should live.

How do I know if I was born on a cusp?

If you were born particularly early or late in your sign, there’s a high likelihood you were born on a “cusp,” a sort of transition period of days between the signs. Cusp birthdays normally occur from the 18th to the 23rd of the month, right around the time that one sign’s solar season ends and another begins.

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