How old is America as a country?

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The United States of America was founded in 1776,making the country 243 years old as of2019.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Also asked, how old is the United States of America?

Answer and Explanation: As of July 4th, 2019, theUnited States of America is 243 years old. TheUnited States celebrates its birthday as July 4th, 1776 whenthe Second

Additionally, is America a country or a continent? North America

Besides, how long has America been a country?

(Native Americans Indians) Based on that date, we are525 Years Old. They say we became an independent nation in1776. That is when the Declaration of Independence was signed.Based on this more likely scenario, we are now 241 yearsold.

How many years ago was America founded?

The current United States began in 1776, thegovernment we lived under is created in 1789 but in realityhistory begun 20,000 years ago when people begun toarrive here but they left no written record but we see countlessevidences of their remains here.

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