How often should I charge my golf cart batteries?

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It is healthy for the batteries to be fullycharged at all times. So, you should charge yourgolf cart every night. Automatic golf cart chargerswill shut off once the batteries are fully charged,so there isn’t a concern that they will be overcharged.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Also question is, should I leave my golf cart plugged in all the time?

You should charge your battery even when you’veused it for a short period of time. The charger for yourgolf cart battery is automatic so it will turn offautomatically once fully charged. Keep the golf cartbattery plugged in while parked. Do not keep it offthe charger for a long period of time.

Similarly, how often do you need to charge golf cart batteries? Observing this proper maintenance will maximizeyour battery use for up to five years. However, whenyour batteries stop working, you should replace itright away and make sure that you find the bestreplacement for it. Proper charging and maintenanceis the key for longer battery life for your golfcarts.

Subsequently, question is, should you charge golf cart after every use?

You can certainly run your batteries down to 80%or so if you are using it for several rounds ofgolf or for a long trip on your golf cart butthis may shorten the life of your batteries. Avoid deep dischargingwhenever possible. Be sure to charge the batteries fullyafter every use.

How many hours do golf cart batteries last?

Your batteries could last up to tenyears (note: this is not very common) – and as few as three– if your cart is privately owned, which implies thatyou will use your cart less than, say, the averagecart on a popular public golf course.

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