How much weight does the average person gain after quitting smoking?

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Many people gain weight when they quit smoking cigarettes. On average, people gain 5 to 10 pounds (2.25 to 4.5 kilograms) in the months after they give up smoking.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Keeping this in view, how long do you gain weight after quitting smoking?

The average amount of weight that people gain after stopping smoking is about four to five kilograms over five years. Most of the weight gain occurs in the year after quitting, particularly in the first three months.

Beside above, how can I boost my metabolism after quitting smoking? Dealing with Weight Gain After Quitting

  1. Control your appetite. Smoking cigarettes makes you feel less hungry.
  2. Start exercising regularly. Smoking cigarettes increases your metabolism, so you burn more calories.
  3. Learn how to eat mindfully. Eating can become a substitute for smoking.
  4. Learn to cope with emotions without cigarettes.

Just so, do you always gain weight when you quit smoking?

It’s common to gain weight after you stop smoking, especially during the first several months — but it isn’t inevitable. When you quit smoking, your appetite and metabolism return to normal, which may lead you to eat more and burn fewer calories.

How long does bloating last after quitting smoking?

Therefore stopping smoking slows down intestinal transit, which can manifest itself as bloating and constipation, which can both cause abdominal pain due to pressure on the intestinal wall. This gradually decreases with the disappearance of withdrawal symptoms in 1-2 months.

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