How much does a high efficiency furnace save?

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Some estimates suggest that, with a highefficiency furnace, you can reduce your home gas bill by up to 35 to 45 percent. Also take future gas prices into account. If gas prices skyrocket, you’ll save even more throughout the life of your new furnace.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Correspondingly, is a high efficiency furnace worth it?

A furnace with an AFUE rating of 95% will require significantly less fuel (natural gas) to heat your home than a unit with an 80% AFUE rating. While higher-efficiency furnaces tend to cost more upfront, they allow homeowners to save money on heating costs every year.

Beside above, is 80 efficient furnace good enough? An 80% furnace with two stages of heat will usually be better for your energy bills than a 95% furnace with just one stage. Some 95% furnaces even come with a fully modulating gas valve. It’s similar to having two stages of heat, only better!

Just so, how much energy does a high efficiency furnace save?

According to the Department of Energy, a high efficiency furnace can dramatically reduce utility bills by 50 percent. If your existing furnace operates at 70 percent AFUE and you replace it with a 95 percent efficiency model, this represents an increase in energy efficiency of over 26 percent.

How long does a high efficiency furnace last?

While some furnaces can last over 40 years (extremely rare), the average lifespan of a typical gas furnace is around 15-30 years. As long as you have scheduled yearly furnace maintenance, your furnace should easily last over 15 years.

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