How long do you deep fry a 14 lb turkey?

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Frying a turkey is a fast and easy way tocook a large turkey and has remarkably excellent results. Italmost always yields crispy skin and moist, succulent meat. A 14lb turkey should take about 45 minutes, depending on the typeof oil, internal temp of the bird and oiltemperature.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Regarding this, how long do you deep fry a 14lb turkey?

Allow the bird to sit until it reaches room temperature.Heat peanut oil in a turkey fryer or a very, very large stockpot to350 degrees F. Lower turkey into hot oil, very carefully, makingsure it is fully submerged. Fry turkey for 3 minutes perpound plus 5 minutes per bird.

Likewise, how long do you deep fry a 13 lb turkey? Maintain the temperature of the oil at 350 degrees F(175 degrees C), and cook turkey for 3 1/2 minutes perpound, about 45 minutes. Carefully remove basket from oil,and drain turkey. Insert a meat thermometer into the thickest partof the thigh; the internal temperature must be 180 degrees F (80degrees C).

Keeping this in view, how long does it take to deep fry a 15 pound turkey?

Fry the turkey for 3 minutes perpound (455 grams). For a 15 lb (6.8 kg)turkey, this will take 45 minutes. Make sure the oiltemp is maintained at 350°F (180°C). After 45 minutes, turnoff your propane burner and then gently remove the turkeyfrom the oil.

How much oil do I need to deep fry a 14 pound turkey?

Turkey Size How Much Oil You Need
13 Pounds 4-5 Gallons of Oil
14 Pounds 5 Gallons of Oil
15 Pounds 5 Gallons of Oil
20 Pounds 5-6 Gallons

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