How long can I keep my contact lenses in solution?

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Store: If not wearing contact lensesimmediately, store them in a closed lens case.Do not store your lenses in simple saline inplace of Biotrue multi-purpose solution. Saline solutionwill not disinfect. Lenses may be stored in theunopened case until ready to wear, up to a maximum of 30days.

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In this way, how often should you change contact lens solution?

You use the same pair of contacts for likemonths at a time, even though you know you shouldswitch them every month (or every two weeks, or every day) “Discardyour lenses on time,” Steinemann says.

Furthermore, how long can you wear monthly contact lenses per day? Your optician will be able to discuss withyou what is best in your individual case, but as a generalpoint, it’s recommended that you wear your contactlenses for a maximum of 10-12 hours per day.Wearing your lenses for longer may cause your eyes tobecome uncomfortable, red and prone to infection.

Keeping this in view, do contacts go bad in solution?

The expiration date on the lens package indicates thelast month and year that the container should be considered freefrom contamination and the lenses inside safe to wear. It is notunusual for the expiration date of a soft contact lens to be fouryears from the date the lens was manufactured andpackaged.

Can you store daily contacts in solution?

Daily wear contact lenses can be safelydisinfected for reuse for 2 weeks to a month before discarding.Daily wear contact lenses are made to be worn duringthe day only, but can safely be reused for up to amonth.

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