How Fandango mobile tickets work?

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Mobile tickets

Consumers can buy the movie tickets via theirmobile device and take their handset straight to the theaterticket-taker, who scans the phones’ bar code. According tothe Fandango, this allows the customer to bypass the boxoffice windows and kiosks.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Thereof, how do Fandango tickets work?

After you complete your purchase, you’ll see aconfirmation page for methods to pick up your tickets.Depending on the theater and your device, you may print yourtickets at home, pick up at the box office or kiosk with avalid credit card, or use a mobile ticket (ifavailable).

Similarly, can you use Fandango at box office? Use Fandango gift cards to purchase tickets inadvance to theaters including Regal, AMC, Cinemark, MarcusTheaters, and many others. Fandango gift cards areredeemable online at or via any of our freemobile apps. Cannot be redeemed directly at any Fandangopartner theater box office.

Also to know, does Fandango have mobile tickets?

Mobile Ticket works with all mobilecarriers, and does not require a smart phone or additionalconvenience fee. Mobile ticketing is currently offered atselect theaters owned by Regal Entertainment Group, Reading Cinemasand Hollywood Theaters.

How do I avoid Fandango fees?

How to Get the Fandango Convenience Fee Waived

  1. Check Out Online Coupon Sites.
  2. Join Fandango VIP.
  3. Purchase Your Tickets Directly Through the TheaterWebsite.
  4. Buy Your Tickets the Old-Fashioned Way.
  5. Go on Discount Days.
  6. Keep Snack Purchases to a Minimum.
  7. Use Your Rewards Points.

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