- Disassemble your clarinet.
- Remove the reed after playing and store it in a reed holder todry.
- Use your polishing cloth to wipe fingerprints off the ligatureand keywork.
- Clean your mouthpiece with a small brush.
- Swab each part of the clarinet.
- Place the clarinet back in its case.
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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Herein, how do you clean a clarinet?
Clean the mouthpiece at least once a week. DO NOTWASH the rest of the clarinet using water —this can damage the pads that cover the tone holes. Instead, takeoff the mouthpiece, drop a cleaning swab down the bell andpull it through the instrument a couple of times. This should bedone after each and every use.
Similarly, can you clean a clarinet with alcohol? Keep the cork dry. Put the mouthpiece away. Dampen asoft cleaning cloth with rubbing alcohol and threadit through the clarinet’s cleaning rod. Disassemble theclarinet, and pull the cloth through each piece, twisting itgently to spread the rubbing alcohol across all theinterior surfaces.
Herein, how do you deep clean a clarinet?
DAILY CARE Drop the clarinet swab string through eachsection and pull it through to remove moisture and keep the boreclean. Wash the mouthpiece with a solution of liquidsoap and cold water. Run the mouthpiece brush back and forth toremove any built up residue. Rinse with coldwater.
How do you sanitize a clarinet reed?
If you want to be extra careful, just throw out yourreeds and start fresh! Disinfect your mouthpiece. Usesterisol or another disinfectant to clean your mouthpiece. Imix dish soap with warm water and use cotton swabs to cleanmy mouthpiece.