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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you grow lespedeza?
Sericea lespedeza should be seeded in the early spring (two to three weeks before normal corn planting time) in a firm seedbed free of weed pressures. Because stand establishment is slow, it is best seeded with a quick establishing grass such as weeping lovegrass, ryegrass, or tall fescue.
Subsequently, question is, is lespedeza annual or perennial? Annual lespedezas are fine-stemmed, leafy legumes with shallow taproots. Both annual and perennial types grow in a soil pH range of 4.5–7.0. They are short-day legumes that begin flowering in late August and set seed in mid-September to mid-October. When managed properly, annual lespedeza can re-seed itself.
Regarding this, does lespedeza make good hay?
Hay yield and quality However, lespedeza hay is inferior to alfalfa when fed to lactating dairy cows. It makes excellent hay for sheep and all types of beef cattle. Lespedeza leaves contain approximately twice as much protein as stems.
Is sericea lespedeza good for cattle?
When properly managed, sericea lespedeza can be used as a viable feedstuff for grazing livestock. Tannin levels in sericea lespedeza increase with maturity and under drought conditions, thus the plant is only palatable to cattle while the plant is young and tannin levels are low.