How do you drain the gas on a Briggs and Stratton lawn mower?

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Start the lawn mower and run the fuel tank dry. If you don’t want to run the mower out of gas, use a fuel line clamp to seal the fuel in the tank during removal. For either method, turn off the mower and disconnect the spark plug boot from the spark plug on the front of the engine.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] In this way, do I need to drain the gas from my lawn mower?

Empty the gas tank Unused gas left in a mower over the winter can get stale, gumming up the carburetor and inviting rust. First, add fuel stabilizer to the tank, then run the mower to distribute it through the system. Turn the mower off and allow the engine to cool, then siphon excess gas into a clean can.

how do I know if my gas is bad in my lawn mower? The easiest way to diagnose gas is to smell the fuel in question. Oxidized gas has a sour smell and is much stronger smelling than fresh gas. The other method is to drain a sample from your machine’s fuel tank or your gas can into a clear glass container. If the gas is dark in color, it has more than likely gone bad.

Similarly one may ask, how do you drain the gas out of a Toro lawn mower?

For Recycler® and Super Recycler® mowers:

  1. Run the engine for five minutes to warm the oil so it drains better.
  2. Remove the dipstick.
  3. Tip the mower onto its side (air filter side up) to drain the used oil out through the oil fill tube into a drain pan.
  4. Let oil drain completely.

How long does it take for gas to go bad?

30 days

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