How do you curl your hair with loose curls with a curling iron?

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Insert the curling iron half way from thetop of your head. Let go of clamp. Gently pullhair your hair through the curling iron about 1/4of an inch, and then turn the curling iron back uptowards the top of your head. Continue this until youget almost to the end of the strand ofhair.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] People also ask, how do you get beachy waves with a curling iron?

How To Get Beachy Waves With A Curling Iron In Just 5 Steps— PHOTOS

  1. Step 1: Twist. This part’s easy: Just grab a small section ofhair (one to two inches will do) and twist.
  2. Step 2: Curl. Next, just curl those twisted sections as younormally would.
  3. Step 3: Unravel.
  4. Step 4: Touch Up.
  5. Step 5: Texturize & Tousle.

One may also ask, what is the difference between a curling iron and a curling wand? Difference between Curling iron and Curlingwand Structural: There is no clip in a wand whichmakes curls without the clip mark that looks like a smallindentation mark, but with an iron this mark appearsin every strand. Speed: The wand heats up faster, andgives results much faster than the iron.

Then, how do black men get loose curls?

What to Do:

  1. Wash your hair, as usual, using a moisturizing shampoo anddetangling conditioner.
  2. Dab your locks with a towel but make sure they are not toodry.
  3. Separate your hair into have-inch sections.
  4. Place a straw at the end of each section and roll the hair upto your head.
  5. Repeat for the rest of the sections.

How can I curl my hair without a curling iron?

#7: Twist & Curl

  1. Wash your hair the way you usually do. Then dry it with a softtowel.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly and make a center parting.
  3. Twist each section until it resembles a tight coil. Secure itto the top of your head with a clip.
  4. Allow your hair to dry overnight.
  5. Remove the clips and enjoy your curls.

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