How do you compare codes with VS code?

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You can leverage this feature either from File Explorer Side Bar or by using “Files:Compare Opened File With” command. VS Code Compare tool works in a very similar way like other compare tool and you can change the setting to view the changes in “In Line Mode” or “Merged Mode” within the code compare window.


Similarly, you may ask, how do you compare files in VS code?

Compare two files

  • Drag and drop the two files into Visual Studio Code.
  • Select both files and select Select for Compare from the context menu.
  • Then you see the diff.
  • With Alt + F5 you can jump to the next diff.

Similarly, how do I compare codes in Notepad ++? Compare Two Files Using Notepad++ Begin by opening the Plugin Manager from the Plugins menu: Next select the Compare plugin and click Install: Now open both of the files you would like to compare as two separate tabs in Notepad++. Then from the Plugins menu selecct Compare -> Compare (or use the shortcut Alt+D):

Just so, how do I compare codes in Visual Studio?

To start comparing two files in the Code Compare Visual Studio add-in, you can use any of the following methods:

  1. click File in the main menu bar, select the New sub-menu and then select Code Comparison;
  2. click Tools in the main menu bar, select the Code Compare sub-menu and then select New Code Comparison;

Can Visual Studio compare two files?

Comparing files using Visual Studio. The diff tool of Visual Studio is very good to compare 2 files. You can use it to compare two versions of the same file directly in Visual Studio. But you can also use it to compare 2 files that are not in a solution.

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