How do I store my fridge?

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Store your refrigerator in a cool, dry place. Any moisture will encourage both mildew and rust. The ideal storage temperature for a refrigerator is between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Similarly, it is asked, how should I store my refrigerator?

How to Store a Refrigerator in Storage

  1. Step 1: Switch off refrigerator the night before you plan on storing it.
  2. Step 2: Clean and disinfect every surface, inside and out.
  3. Step 3: Ensure the refrigerator is completely dry.
  4. Step 4: Move the refrigerator carefully.
  5. Step 5: Keep the refrigerator upright at all times.

Similarly, do refrigerators go bad in storage? Appliances, dishwashers, refrigerators and washing machines can go bad if left in storage for an extended period. They can sustain damage if water is not thoroughly drained before storing.

Keeping this in view, how long can you keep a fridge in storage?

If your refrigerator was stored any other way find the manufacturer’s guidelines on how long it needs to be upright. This may range between 15 mins to 1 day. If you can‘t figure out the manufacturer or make and model then leave it upright for a day before using.

Should you leave fridge open when unplugged?

Remove all perishable items and switch the appliance off and/or unplug it from the power supply. The most important thing to remember is that after you’ve cleaned your appliance, you must leave the refrigerator door open. This prevents odors taking hold.

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