How do I prepare my pool for winter?

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7 steps to get your pool ready for winter
  1. Clean it. Remove all debris from the water, skimmer, pump basket and filters.
  2. Check all equipment. Ensure the pump is working and there is no calcium build-up on the chlorination cell.
  3. Backwash your filter.
  4. Balance the water.
  5. Add a phosphate remover.
  6. Use your pool cover.
  7. Continue basic maintenance.

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Considering this, what chemicals do you put in pool for winter?

Chlorine levels need to be at 1-3ppm (parts per million) in your pool for the cold winter months. Most pool supply stores recommend using a Chlorine or Non-Chlorine Shock treatment before you close the pool to balance the water and make sure that it’s ready to sit all winter.

Subsequently, question is, can you leave pool steps in pool for winter? We strongly recommend pool ladders and steps be removed from the swimming pool during the off season (winter months).

Subsequently, question is, what do you do with your pool in the winter?

How To Winterize Your Pool in 8 Easy Steps

  1. Clean the pool.
  2. Balance the water.
  3. Remove pool accessories.
  4. Clean and backwash the filter.
  5. Lower the water level.
  6. Drain your pump, filters, heaters, and chlorinating equipment.
  7. Empty your chemical feeder.
  8. Cover your pool.

How far down do you drain your pool for winter?

It’s acceptable to drain the pool a few more inches below that if you live in an area that gets heavy precipitation during the winter months. Some pool professionals even suggest draining the water to as much as 6 inches below the skimmer — about the level of the bottom of the pool’s return jet.

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