How do I change my company details on eBay?

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Answers (1)

Click on your Account tab in My eBay,click on Personal information, Click on Edit next to Registeredname and address. Click Change next to Registrationaddress. You will be asked to sign on to eBay, thenyou will get a screen that allows you to change yourregistered account info.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Also, how do I change my personal name on eBay business account?

Go to eBay’s home page and click “MyeBay.” Sign in with your user ID and passwordat the “Sign In” page. Click the“Account” tab and the “PersonalInformation” link. Once the pages comes up, click the“Edit” link next to the user ID to changeit.

Also, how do I change credit card info on eBay?

  1. Go to My eBay.
  2. Click the Account tab.
  3. In the My Account section, click Personal Information.
  4. In the Financial Information section, click Edit next to’Credit card’.
  5. For security purposes, you’ll be asked to sign in again.
  6. Enter your credit card information and click Continue.

Correspondingly, how do I change shipping options on eBay?

Re: how to change shipping method As a seller, you can change the shippinguntil you get a bid. Find the item and open the listing, then clickRevise (at the top left of the listing). Scroll down teh form tothe shipping section (usually near the bottom) and chooseyour method and cost. As a buyer, you CANT.

Can I change my eBay name and keep my feedback?

You can change your username in thepersonal information – opens in new window or tab section of MyeBay, or by selecting the button below. You can onlychange your username once every 30 days. Achange icon will appear next to your usernamefor 30 days after you change it.

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