How do I change my Amazon profile name?

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Edit Your Public Name
  1. Go to your Profile page.
  2. Edit your public name on the Your PublicName & Info tab.
  3. Click Save.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Correspondingly, can I change the name on my Amazon account?

Change Your Account Settings. If you needto make changes to your name, mobile number, accountinformation, you can update these from the Login &Security section in Your Account. Click Edit next tothe account information you’d like to update. Follow theon-screen instructions and click Save Changes.

Also Know, how do I find my Amazon account name? Find your Amazon account identifier

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. At the top of the page, click the link that is your accountname.
  3. Click My Account.
  4. Your 12-digit account ID is listed under Account Settings.

Consequently, how do I edit my seller profile on Amazon?

Edit Your Profile

  1. Go to your Profile page.
  2. Select the relevant option in the drop-down menu. To edit yourpersonal information, select Edit Profile. To edit your privacysettings (what is visible to visitors to your profile page), selectEdit privacy settings.
  3. After making your changes, click Save.

What is the password of Amazon?

Use at least 8 characters. A minimum of 6 is required; amaximum of 1024 is allowed. Avoid passwords that are easy toguess. These include passwords such as “secret,””password,” “amazon,” or “123456.”

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