Also asked, what firefighters use to put out fires?
The most common method is to use water to putout the fire. The water takes away heat by cooling thefire. Water also smothers the fire, taking awayoxygen. Some firefighters use foam as an alternative towater.
Additionally, what is a high rise fire? A skyscraper fire or high–rise fireis a class of structural fire specific to tallbuildings.
Similarly one may ask, how high can firefighters reach?
Between 75 feet and 100 feet straight up, depending onwater pressure. In practice, though, firefighters on theground rarely attempt to reach higher than 40 feet withhoses. Since water pushes smoke and heat back into the building,attacking a high-rise blaze from the outside canactually be counterproductive.
How many floors can a fire ladder reach UK?
“Some of the ones we are currently looking atcan reach up to 22 or 23 floors in a high-rise sothey are considerably extended in their capabilities thancurrently.”