How can I port my idea to Airtel online?

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These are the steps:
  1. Type PORT< space > MOBILE NUMBER & send it to1900.
  2. You will receive an UPC (Unique Porting Code).
  3. With that code and Documents (photo+address verification),visit to your nearest Airtel store.
  4. The process will take 3–4 days.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”][su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Also to know is, can we port to Airtel online?

Thanks to the technological advancements, portingprocess is no more a hassle now. You can now get your numberported to Airtel prepaid/ postpaid or any other network atyour home.

Furthermore, can I port my sim online? You can easily do it online orvisit the operator store near you. Documents required: Validaddress and identity proof for digital KYC, at the time of gettingSIM cards. For corporate/ company connections: The usersneed to submit a NOC in order to process Mobile NumberPorting for their corporate numbers.

Accordingly, how many days it takes to port from idea to Airtel?

As Airtel claims that the numbers can be portedwithin a span of 24 hours, but now due to regulatory requirement,it will take minimum 4 to 7 days for porting a numberfrom one circle/service provider to another. For porting, asubscriber needs to generate UPC code by sending an SMS’PORT to 1900.

Is porting to Airtel free?

Switch to Airtel 4G and Get Free Data for12 Months, but there is a catch. This includes users from othertelecom operators who port to Airtel 4G via mobile numberportability (MNP) or existing Airtel 3Gsubscribers upgrading to Airtel 4G. Everything soundinteresting, but there is a BIG catch on the free dataoffer.

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