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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Consequently, what ethnicity is Julien Solomita?
Julien is an Aries, born in Northern California. His parents are divorced.
Additionally, what disease does Julien Solomita have? Solomita suffers from Celiac Disease, which means he is allergic to gluten.
Keeping this in consideration, what is Julien Solomita salary?
The channel has over 2.6 million subscribers as of 2020 and has accumulated over 480 million views. In a day, the channel is able to get an average of 220,000 views which should be able to generate an estimated revenue of around $1,100 per day ($400,000 a year) from the ads that run on the videos.
Are Jenna Marbles and Julien engaged?
Jenna currently makes videos every “Wednesday/Thursday”. However, in early December 2012, Jenna and Max broke up, with Jenna revealing this on December 20. In February of 2013, she started dating Julien Solomita, though she did not officially announce their relationship until June 2013.