Can you install marble tile without grout?

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Laying a marble floor without grout ispossible so long as proper care is taken to assure yourlayout is perfectly square. You will be butting thetiles up against each other, so there isn’t any roomto work out problems encountered in the grout joints,as would normally be the case.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] In respect to this, can you tile without grout?

No homeowner likes grout lines. Grout canbecome dingy-looking quickly, making a tile installationlook old. If your tile project is in a dry area,you can install a specific kind of ceramic tile withoutgrout. Use vitrified tiles, which are made of compressedclay dust, if you wish to install tiles withoutgrout.

Additionally, can you tile over marble? However, the TCNA does offer pointers for tilingover vinyl, terrazzo and existing tiles, so youcan breathe easier if you apply these to yourtileovermarble job. If you reallywant to be on the safe side, you can always install a cementbacker board before you lay the tiles.

Herein, can you install travertine tile without grout?

Travertine is an outstanding example oftile that can be installed without groutlines. This natural stone is cut-to-size leavinghoned, flat edges that make great grout-lessjoints.

How do you grout marble tile?

Grout polished marble with tight joints(up to 1/8 inch) with nonsanded grout, since sandedgrout will scratch the surface of the marble. Pushthe grout into the grout joints with the tip of thegrout float. Wipe up excess with the edge of thefloat.

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