Can bearded dragons get too hot?

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What’s the real truth? A: While beardiescanwithstand a wide variety of temperatures, here is what Ialwaystell owners. The focal basking hot spot should bebetween100 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. If your beardie is notsitting inthe hot spot, gaping with its mouth open, then itprobablyisn’t hot enough.


Then, can my bearded dragon overheat?

Bearded Dragon overheating symptoms In these hot conditions, lethargy can be anissueand in turn, lack of eating. It’s always best to book a vetvisit ifonly so they can aid the monitoring of weightduring thisperiod.

Similarly, what is the highest temperature for a bearded dragon? The temperature for the basking area shouldbebetween 90 to 93 degrees for an adult bearded dragon.Thecooler region of the enclosure can still be kept at 80 to90degrees F, just as with babies and juveniles.

Also, will a bearded dragon move if it gets too hot?

Yes a beardie will move from the ares ifitgets too hot. I would adjust the heat ifitcontinues to the point s/he won’t bask atall.

What temperature is dangerous for bearded dragons?

At the peak of day, the temperature onasun-exposed surface might reach 100 degrees (F) or more. Therewillalso be some shady spots during the day, wherethetemperature might not exceed 85 degrees. This is calledatemperature gradient, and it’s important that youprovideone for your bearded dragon pet.

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