Kamal Haasan is returning to host the sixth season of Bigg Boss Tamil. A new promo for the reality show has been unveiled on YouTube.”Veedunu onnu irundha, pottinu onnu irukum (When there’s a home, there can be competitors),” mentioned Kamal within the video. The line is impressed by his latest film, Vikram. Standing towards the backdrop of a haunting set, the actor described the behaviour of contestants.
He mentioned, “Some, like a deer, will leap round. Some crouch like a tiger to pounce. Some will hiss like a snake, whereas some wait like an eagle for the fitting time… some scheme like a fox, and a few disappear like a rabbit. Only just a few would need to rule… like a lion. When there’s a forest, there can be just one lion. However, they don’t get to determine the one. You do!”
The actor-filmmaker has been internet hosting the show for the previous 5 years and has turned it into one of many most-watched reality exhibits on Tamil TV. Last season, 20 contestants fought for the coveted title, and Raju Jeymohan, a TV actor, gained the trophy. Anchor Priyanka Deshpande was the runner-up of the season.
Meanwhile, Kamal Haasan is basking within the success of Vikram. In an audio clip shared on social media, Kamal thanked everybody who helped make the film a blockbuster. He mentioned, “With the assist of followers, Vikram has touched 100 days. I’m immensely glad. Hugs to all my followers throughout generations. My gratitude to everybody liable for the success of Vikram. To my brother Lokesh (Kangaraj), my love and regards.”
#100DaysofVikram #VikramRoaringSuccess pic.twitter.com/7SjZIpTB6M
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) September 10, 2022
Kamal Haasan is subsequent teaming up with director Shankar on Indian 2. The director, on the trailer launch occasion of Ponniyin Selvan I, revealed that Kamal will be a part of the units within the third week of this month.