Are they making a Bad Santa 3?

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Brett Kelly, who, like Cox, starred in both the films, has no releases since 2016 and has not signed any project. Overall, ‘Bad Santa 3‘ will probably not happen without Billy Bob Thornton agreeing to do it. At the point of time, he hasn’t confirmed or denied the possibility of being in another Bad Santa film.

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[su_posts posts_per_page=”1″ tax_term=”2703″ order=”desc” orderby=”rand”] Thereof, did John Ritter die during the making of Bad Santa?

America wept when news broke that John Ritter, the beloved star of Three’s Company, passed away suddenly on September 11, 2003 of aortic dissection at the age of 54. His hilarious turn as mall manager Bob Chipeska in Bad Santa was his final feature film appearance. The movie was dedicated to his memory.

Similarly, how Bad Is Bad Santa? The MPA rated Bad Santa R for pervasive language, strong sexual content and some violence.

Also know, how many bad Santas are there?

Bad Santa 2003 Bad Santa 2 2016

What happens at the end of Bad Santa?

As Willie is getting a pink stuffed elephant for the kid he turns around and finds out that marcus betrays him. Willie escapes and makes it back to the house with the elephant and the police chasing him but gets shot by the police 8 times as he attempts to make it to the doorstep of the house.

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