Are crumpets a good snack?

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Well crumpets aren’t actually very bad for you. They’re very low GI and it’s good for a diabetic to have crumpets. They can give you lots of energy, also sustained energy. Crumpets are a very good thing to have in the morning for breakfast.


Likewise, are crumpets a healthy snack?

Crumpets are good for you! They go on to talk about all sorts of other things. Crumpets don’t give you bad breath. Crumpets don’t make you flatulent. People who eat a lot of crumpets have more friends than those who eat a lot of kale.

Also, what do you eat crumpets with? Toppings

  1. Triple cheese crumpets.
  2. Honeycomb butter crumpets.
  3. Burnt honey butter crumpets.
  4. Maple pecan butter crumpets.
  5. Bacon and egg melt crumpets.

Subsequently, question is, is crumpets healthy or unhealthy?

Just when you thought 2016 could bring you no more bad news, new findings suggest crumpets are ‘alarmingly’ unhealthy. The bad thing being the amount of salt in crumpets. The good people being us.

How many calories are there in a crumpet?

Nutrition Information

per 100g per average crumpet (55g)
176 kcal 97 kcal
Fat 0.8g 0.4g
– of which saturates 0.2g 0.1g
Carbohydrate 35.3g 19.4g

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